Making Sure Your Vote Counts
Too many Canadians feel their votes don’t matter. They don’t trust the government to listen. Big corporations have too much power. False information spreads too easily. Our voting system is outdated. The Green Party will fix these problems. We’ll make sure every Canadian voter has a real voice in our democracy.
A Voting System That Works
Our current voting system isn’t fair. A party can win total power with less than half the votes. Millions of votes don’t count. Here’s how we’ll make it fairer:
- Change to a proportional representation voting system where every vote counts
- Let young people start voting at age 16
- Restore the per-vote subsidy so small parties can compete fairly with big parties
- Create a Citizens’ Assembly to help guide these changes
Making Government Work for People
Government services don’t work like they should. Big international consulting companies are paid billions to do work that public servants should do. When things go wrong, no one takes responsibility. We’ll end contracts with expensive consulting firms. We’ll rebuild a public service that serves people well. We’ll make sure someone is responsible for every decision.
Canadians deserve an open and honest government. We’ll strengthen rules about ethics in politics. We’ll stop politicians from becoming corporate lobbyists right after leaving office. We’ll protect whistleblowers. We will also reform access-to-information laws and make it easier for Canadians to see how their government spends money.
We can strengthen and protect Canadian democracy. We just need to vote for it.