We will make the largest investment in public housing since the 1970s, and clamp down on big investors driving up prices.
Learn MoreI have been active in both the Green Party of Canada and the B.C. Green Party for over 20 years. My organizational efforts were focused on the B.C. Green Party, where I served on the Council, including as Chair from 2007 to 2011. For the Green Party of Canada, I volunteered for Elizabeth May’s campaigns.
I have also been involved in local politics, running for Mayor of Surrey, B.C., three times before moving to North Saanich, B.C., where I served as a councillor from 2014 to 2022.
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one bold step at a time.
We will make the largest investment in public housing since the 1970s, and clamp down on big investors driving up prices.
Learn MoreWe will protect our kids and communities by cutting fossil fuel pollution and making Canada a world leader in clean energy.
Learn MoreWe will protect Canadians from today’s threats, strengthen our self-reliance, and continue to work for global peace.
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