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  1. Green Party Supports Continent-Wide Day of Action: Behaviour of Canadian Mining Companies Too Often Destructive

    ... by the Harper Conservatives and CIDA as good for jobs and economic growth, too often the reality for local people is the opposite. ...

    Emma Dickinson - 2012-08-01 06:57

  2. Elizabeth May calls on other federal leaders to join her at Montreal climate strike Friday

    ... The Green plan leverages renewable industries as massive economic growth sectors. It will also invest in new training and retraining ...

    Rosie Emery - 2019-09-23 12:26

  3. Green Party Supports Last-Ditch Efforts to Save Experimental Lakes Area (ELA)

    ... priorities. These include addressing the implications of economic growth, climate change, and other factors on water resources. The ELA ...

    Craig Cantin - 2012-11-12 09:24