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  1. Green Party pledges to protect Canada’s North

    OTTAWA – The Green Party recognizes the importance of Canada’s North and has a strategy to develop its resources while ...

    Rosie Emery - 2019-10-16 13:51

  2. Education and Employment

    ... funding are what Canada's education system demands. The Green Party recognizes the need to freeze and subsequently reduce tuition fees across ...

    David Lewis - 2007-02-21 18:23

  3. Federal Council Elections 2019 - Job Descriptions

    ... Do? Federal Council is the group that governs the Party between Biennial General Meetings (National Conventions) of the ... documents, such as the Party's Constitution, Bylaws, the Green Rules of Procedure, applicable Codes of Conduct, GPC Fund Bylaws — and ...

    Honora Nedwidek - 2020-02-26 07:39