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  1. Green Party Statement on Seniors Day

    ... country. To enhance the quality of life for our seniors, the Green Party will enact programs such as the Guaranteed Livable Income, Pharmacare, ...

    Rosie Emery - 2019-10-01 12:55

  2. Greens ask government to invest in people and the planet

    ... for extraordinary budget measures, members of the federal Green Party caucus said today. Parliamentary leader Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf ...

    Rosie Emery - 2020-02-21 09:36

  3. The Green Party Marks Earth Hour Saturday

    OTTAWA – Tomorrow, the Green Party will join concerned citizens, businesses, and governments across Canada ... off their lights, holding vigils, and marking the importance of climate action – is now a recognized part of our international culture.  ...

    Emma Dickinson - 2013-03-22 10:59