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  1. 2015 Green Party Platform Reflects Leap Manifesto Policy

    ... Party 2015 Platform Opposition to new oil and gas pipelines, fracking, increased tanker traffic. Opposition to new oil and gas pipelines, fracking, increased tanker traffic. A national childcare ...

    Dan Palmer - 2016-04-13 07:16 - 0 comments

  2. Green Party of Canada and 90,000 Quebecers say No to Tar Sands

    ... and Coalition ECO in the No to the Engery East and Line 9B Pipelines march, today in Montreal.  “The City of Laval, along with 74 ... “Québec and B.C. are united in rejecting risky pipelines and tankers off our coasts. In the next minority government, Green ...

    Matthew Lakatos... - 2015-10-10 16:43 - 0 comments

  3. La décision de l’ONE : une autre erreur prévisible, selon le Parti vert

    Section Media Release Issues Environmental Disasters

    Stéphanie Charron - 2014-03-11 07:30