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  1. Domestic Oil Refining

    ... The provinces fail to collect fair resource royalties and pipelines have been proposed to export unrefined bitumen to the United States ... The controversial Keystone XL and Northern Gateway pipelines were both conceived to increase Canada’s capacity to export ...

    Brian Howard - 2014-09-08 10:46

  2. Keystone XL pipeline authorization a major setback in carbon reduction efforts

    ... $8 billion, 1,897-kilometer pipeline.   “All new pipelines from Alberta, including Kinder Morgan’s expansion project to the ... put forth in Bonn, we simply cannot have it both ways. More pipelines exporting bitumen means more climate-altering greenhouse gases, and ...

    Jeff Braunstein - 2017-11-21 06:23 - 0 comments

  3. Elizabeth May calls for immediate investigation and corporate consequences for Peace River oil spill

    ... ensure 100 per cent compliance. “We have 45-year-old pipelines lines like this one running through some of the most ecologically ...

    Kieran Green - 2011-05-05 14:39