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  1. Green Party Says No to Risky Pipeline and Tanker Schemes

    ... unprocessed bitumen to coastlines,” said Ms. May. “These pipelines and supertankers are premised on a risky economic strategy. We have ... Ouest – Île-des-Soeurs). “These supertanker and DOT-111 pipelines do not bring anything more to Québec but danger, damages; and ...

    Matthew Lakatos... - 2015-08-18 10:21 - 0 comments

  2. Green Party of Canada pushes for climate action ahead of First Minister's Meeting

    ... the National Energy Board and policymakers can judge new pipelines for what they are: unsustainable and in direct opposition to our ...

    Dan Palmer - 2021-11-10 07:18 - 0 comments

  3. Un projet de loi immense, complexe et presque illisible : un véritable cheval de Troie

    English Section Blog Issues Budget Canada

    Elizabeth May - 2012-05-15 16:35 - 0 comments