
Search results

  1. Northern Gateway will help degrade environment

    ... endangered woodland caribou and grizzly bears. The twin pipelines — one carrying bitumen liquefied with diluent (dilbit) to Kitimat, ...

    Andrew Park - 2014-06-23 11:07 - 0 comments

  2. Mobilisation pour la Semaine mondiale de l’environnement

    Section Media Release Issues Environment

    Emma Dickinson - 2012-06-05 13:52

  3. Greens join UBCIC in calling for Calm: Unist’ot’en in Northeastern B.C. defending their land

    ... eleven companies are currently proposing to run oil and gas pipelines through Unist’ot’en territory, but the Unist'ot'en have not given ...

    Matthew Lakatos... - 2015-08-30 06:38 - 0 comments