Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Green Party of Canada. Across the nation, they work tirelessly in their communities, engaging the grassroots and building strong local organizations.

We need your help to keep our movement growing. By volunteering, you join a community of passionate individuals committed to fighting for a sustainable future. Whether it’s helping out with local campaigns, reaching out to voters, or contributing your unique skills to national initiatives, there’s a place for you in our team.

Why Volunteer with the Green Party?

  • Make a Difference: Your efforts will directly contribute to advancing policies that protect the environment, address inequality, and create a just society.
  • Empower Your Community: Help us connect with voters, organize events, and advocate for meaningful change where you live.
  • Gain Valuable Experience: Build skills in organizing, communication, and advocacy while working alongside passionate individuals who share your values.
  • Be Part of Something Bigger: Join a movement of like-minded Canadians committed to building a brighter future.

Take the First Step

Getting involved is easy. Fill out this form and let us know how you’d like to contribute. Whether you can spare an hour a week or a few days a month, your time makes a difference.

Join us in building a Canada that prioritizes people, the planet, and a prosperous future for all. Let’s make history—together.

Organizing Toolbox

Want to learn more about starting or joining an Electoral District Association (EDA) or how to prepare for an election campaign?

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