We will make the largest investment in public housing since the 1970s, and clamp down on big investors driving up prices.
Learn MoreThe Green Party of Canada puts people of all abilities, races, religions and incomes at the centre of its policies. The environment, of course, is the existential heart of everything the Party stands for. These values closely match my own, which is why I am running for office.
You see the world differently when you have a disability. Ever since I was a child, I have wanted to be of help to others. At a Montreal primary school for children with physical disabilities, where I thrived academically, it was important to me to be of service to my peers, many of whom were in wheelchairs and walkers. This has been a guiding principle in my life, influencing what I choose to study, volunteer for, and work in. My desire to support others goes to the core of who I am.
Working toward social justice is important in my family. I helped my parents run a fair trade store in Montreal. Living in Abu Dhabi in my teens opened my eyes to other cultures, both the gifts and challenges. I have college diplomas in Recreation Therapy and Educational Support (working as an EA before starting my B.A.). I’m now in my fourth year at Toronto Metropolitan University, soon to earn a B.A. in Disability Studies, with a minor in Political Science. My volunteer work has been in disability advocacy with CP-Net and CanChild, as well as working with the Green Party in two campaigns.
My passionate interest in politics stems from my Canadian-American parents, staunch Democrats, who enlisted my help with Get Out the Vote campaigns and took me to demonstrations, including the People’s Climate March in Washington, DC. My own political awakening started with the 2016 U.S. election, when my heart got broken. I realized then that we have to elect the best people possible to do the important work of governing.
With so many issues facing us – from housing to Indigenous reconciliation to healthcare to the economy and Trump’s tariffs. The Green Party has a plan to face all the issues. As a proud Canadian and West Mountain resident of 13 years, I’m ready and excited.
Building a better future for Canada,
one bold step at a time.
We will make the largest investment in public housing since the 1970s, and clamp down on big investors driving up prices.
Learn MoreWe will protect our kids and communities by cutting fossil fuel pollution and making Canada a world leader in clean energy.
Learn MoreWe will close unfair tax loopholes and take action to ensure the ultra-rich and big corporations pay their fair share.
Learn MoreWhen we come together, there is nothing we can’t achieve. Help this campaign.
Volunteer TodayVote with your wallet for bold climate action, social justice, and a fair economy where everyone thrives.
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