On November 19, Green Party of Canada members will elect our new Leader. Over the next 80 days you will have many varied opportunities to engage in the Contest and get to know each candidate. 

We are very honored and excited to announce that the 2022 Green Party of Canada Leadership Candidates are:

  • Simon Gnocchini-Messier
  • Chad Walcott
  • Elizabeth May
  • Anna Keenan
  • Jonathan Pedneault
  • Sarah Gabrielle Baron

We have designed a race that is very different than any other than Canada has ever seen. We hope to show members, and all Canadians:

  • The country’s most equitable Leadership Contest, with a $1,000 entry fee, planned contestant subsidies and events that level the playing field and promote all contestants equally
  • The country’s most open Leadership Contest, with events available to all Canadians
  • The country’s most technologically advanced Leadership Contest, with online virtual forums to help GPC members explore and interact with candidates' campaigns

Hopefully, the most effective way to elect a new Leader and set them up for success!

We will be revealing more about how we plan to achieve this, as the race progresses. We will be sending you regular updates, via email and social media, and you will always be able to see the latest activity on the decidim-based WeDecide Leadership Contest Website at leadership.green.ca.

The First Round of the Leadership contest culminates in a vote on October 14 that will see 4 candidates selected to move to the Second Round. 

GPC Media Contact:

George Orr




Fabrice Lachance Nové

