OTTAWA — The Green Party of Canada urges Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet to be cautious in calls that could be destabilizing, warning that an early election would be a risky choice for Canadians, especially given ongoing questions surrounding foreign interference in Canadian politics.
"This push for an election could not come at a worse time," said Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada. "The Bloc’s move shows a reckless disregard for the interests of Canadians and Quebecers. Holding elections before we have clarity on the foreign interference report poses serious risks to our democracy. Canadians deserve stability and answers, not uncertainty and hasty partisan decisions."
The Green Party expressed concern over the potential implications of an election before the full report on foreign interference is made public, especially in light of allegations linking the Conservative Party leadership race, which Pierre Poilievre won, to potential interference by the Indian government. Poilievre’s reluctance to seek security clearance raises critical questions that Canadians deserve answers to before an election.
"The fact that Mr. Poilievre refuses to obtain security clearance raises significant red flags," added Elizabeth May. "We’re not making assumptions, but the optics are deeply concerning. If elected Prime Minister, he would automatically receive security clearance without the oversight that a regular process provides. Canadians deserve the chance to understand any potential conflicts or ties before making a decision at the ballot box."
The Green Party called on all parties to prioritize transparency and democratic integrity, urging them to wait for the full release of the foreign interference report before any election is called.
"Why can't we instead work together to continue working on issues impacting Canadians every day?" said Ms. May. "We urge all parties in this minority parliament to find ways to work together and make progress on the climate crisis, affordability, our healthcare system, and the need to reform our antiquated voting system."
"Early elections carry a significant risk to our democratic process. The Green Party will not support any actions that undermine public trust in the integrity of our elections. Canadians deserve stability and assurance that their government is acting in the nation’s best interests," concluded Elizabeth May. "Rushing to the polls without all the facts is irresponsible, and we owe it to Canadians to uphold the highest standards of transparency and accountability."
In light of the Bloc’s move, the Green Party is calling on the government to focus on addressing the pressing needs of Canadians while ensuring foreign interference concerns are thoroughly examined before any election discussions proceed. The Green Party remains committed to holding the government accountable while defending the democratic integrity that all Canadians deserve.
For more information or to arrange an interview :
Fabrice Lachance Nové
Press secretary