OTTAWA – As reported recently the Canadian Press, the RCMP have missed their own internal deadline to implement the 130 recommendations of the Mass Casualty Commission.

The Commission was created to investigate and make recommendations on the devastating killings in April 2020 from Portapique Nova Scotia through the Wentworth Valley and Debert until the perpetrator was finally killed in Enfield over a 48 hour period in which  RCMP negligence and incompetence contributed to the deaths of twenty two people.

The report issued in late March of last year led the Globe and Mail to editorialize that "the only responsible conclusion is that Canada’s national police force needs to be torn down to its foundations, and then those foundations need to be dynamited."

"As a concerned parliamentarian and former Nova Scotian, I read all 3000 pages of the report in a state of rage. It should have been clear to the RCMP that the killer was a threat to the community a decade before his murderous rampage. I remain concerned that the 'trauma-informed' approach of the commission allowed individual RCMP officers to be insulated from cross-examination to explore the extent to which friendships and relationships between the killer and Nova Scotia RCMP created a long-standing bias in his favour in the face of complaints. This was never explored in the commission. " said Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands. 

The Green Party of Canada calls on Minister of Public Safety, the Hon Dominic Leblanc to launch a further inquiry within our parliamentary  committee process to review the report and pursue lines of investigation omitted in the trauma-informed approach, that are protecting the RCMP more than those impacted by the tragedy.

Recommendations can be found here:


For more information or to arrange an interview : 

Fabrice Lachance Nové

Press secretary
