National Energy Security Plan

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Commentaire officiel du parti


WHEREAS oil used in Québec and in the four Atlantic provinces is imported from overseas;

WHEREAS Canada has no strategic reserves of oil and energy;

WHEREAS Canada is greatly dependent on oil money to maintain a standard of living based on the overconsumption of resources;

WHEREAS the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), are of the opinion that “oil rent” should be saved to ensure economic stability;

WHEREAS Vision Green proposes measures to achieve the transition from the fossil economy to an economy based on the sustainable use of renewable energy sources, to implement a National Energy Plan for retaking control of our energy resources and ensuring that Canada's needs take priority over exports, to create a strategic hydrocarbon reserve to ensure an oil supply for Canada in times of crisis;


BE IT RESOLVED that the Green Party of Canada table a private member's bill in the House of Commons during the current term of government to force the establishment of a National Energy Security Plan, including:

- stopping the development of new tar sands extraction facilities to avoid the collapse of the employment market in other sectors (Dutch disease);
- ensuring the stability and security for all provinces and territories in the country of the oil supply produced in Canada;
- creating a heritage fund comprised of the royalty income derived from the exploitation of energy resources;
- dedicating these funds first to research and deployment of an energy economy based on renewable energies, reduction of the country's energy consumption and the promotion of transit, rail transportation in particular.

Annie Durette, Pierre Sallafranque, Jean-François Léveque, Raymonde Palardy, membres de l’exécutif de l’ACE Joliette, Quebec Wing / Aile Québecoise




Type de résolution



Benoit Michaud

Commentaire officiel du parti


WHEREAS oil used in Québec and in the four Atlantic provinces is imported from overseas;

WHEREAS Canada has no strategic reserves of oil and energy;

WHEREAS Canada is greatly dependent on oil money to maintain a standard of living based on the overconsumption of resources;

WHEREAS the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), are of the opinion that “oil rent” should be saved to ensure economic stability;

WHEREAS Vision Green proposes measures to achieve the transition from the fossil economy to an economy based on the sustainable use of renewable energy sources, to implement a National Energy Plan for retaking control of our energy resources and ensuring that Canada's needs take priority over exports, to create a strategic hydrocarbon reserve to ensure an oil supply for Canada in times of crisis;


BE IT RESOLVED that the Green Party of Canada table a private member's bill in the House of Commons during the current term of government to force the establishment of a National Energy Security Plan, including:

- stopping the development of new tar sands extraction facilities to avoid the collapse of the employment market in other sectors (Dutch disease);
- ensuring the stability and security for all provinces and territories in the country of the oil supply produced in Canada;
- creating a heritage fund comprised of the royalty income derived from the exploitation of energy resources;
- dedicating these funds first to research and deployment of an energy economy based on renewable energies, reduction of the country's energy consumption and the promotion of transit, rail transportation in particular.


Annie Durette, Pierre Sallafranque, Jean-François Léveque, Raymonde Palardy, membres de l’exécutif de l’ACE Joliette, Quebec Wing / Aile Québecoise
