
    He Said; He Said

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Friday, 20 Feb 2009
    In the anticipation of the visit of the US President, there are a lot of good reasons that those briefed on the climate issue were focused, nearly exclusively, on the question of what President...

    An Open Letter to President Barack Obama

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009
    Dear President Obama, Welcome to Canada! The vast majority of Canadians agree with you that the threats of a warming planet are urgent and require real action. The vast majority of Canadians...


    Blog | Elizabeth May | Friday, 06 Feb 2009
    I am grateful that we still have independent reporting on government activities. Yesterday we received the reports to Parliament from the Auditor General Sheila Fraser and the Environment...

    Vision and the Commitment to a Green Economic Future

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Tuesday, 27 Jan 2009
    That's the headline I would have liked. It certainly fits the economic numbers from this morning's Globe and Mail: $11 billion: spending to modernize the electricity grid and build power lines to...

    What should be in the budget?

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Sunday, 25 Jan 2009
    On Thursday, the Green Party released our proposals for a stimulus package, highlighting the importance of following Barack Obama’s lead in moving the North American economy to a green energy...

    Happy Birthday Sir John A.!

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Saturday, 10 Jan 2009
    January 11 is the birthday of Sir John A. Macdonald. Our first Prime Minister. Sir John A. Macdonald believed in Canada. He knew we had to build the links that allowed us to embrace from east...

    Give “Mother Nature” a break

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Tuesday, 30 Dec 2008
    Here’s a new campaign; let’s try to force a “connect” in the disconnect between news coverage of the clear and urgent science about the climate crisis and the inane coverage of weather news.  ...

    I knew I would never be on the Mike Duffy show again...

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Monday, 22 Dec 2008
    Just in case you missed it, during the election campaign I decided I could not take the abuse and partisanship masquerading as journalism from Mike Duffy.  Over the years, I have been on the Mike...

    Yes We Can! goes Global

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Friday, 12 Dec 2008
    I have been in Poznan Poland all week as the fourteenth Conference of the Parties (COP14) for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change drags on.  The goal, and it is a deadline,...

    Last day?

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Friday, 12 Dec 2008
    The climate negotiations continue in earnest behind closed doors in smaller contact groups, while the Ministers make speeches in Plenary. It is supposed to be the last day, but it may spill into...
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